History of Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP)

In the wake of Independence, keeping in the mind the pride and glory of the traditions of aeons, the entire country dreamt of making our Nation a modern and developed one, freed from all circumstantial impediments and drawbacks. In order to realize this dream, certain youth imbued with such conviction commenced on a movement, centered in the college and University campuses across the country. A national forum of these activities was formalized and registered on the 9th July, 1949, in the form of a student organization – THE AKHIL BHARATIYA VIDYARTHI PARISHAD (ABVP).
As our country was freed from the shackles of colonialism, an opportunity for inclusive, holistic development arose. A pall of gloom had descended on the potential excellence of the country due to centuries of foreign domination and subjugation. It is at this point of time that a student organization like the ABVP got established in our country, which, inspired by the great culture and traditions of the world’s oldest civilization, wanted to reconstruct India into a powerful, prosperous and proud Nation, committed as it was, to the grand notion of placing Her at the upper echelons of the global comity of Nations.

ABVP, with the aim of national reconstruction, commenced its multi-dimensional and multifarious activities as a nationwide student organization, touching every aspect of the societal spectrum. This student organization, which has immense faith in the latent strength of the entire educational fraternity, believes in coordinating and directing contemporaneous responsibilities of students towards constructive activities, staying above partisan politics and looking at every issue with a progressive lens. The ABVP strongly favours placing to the student, the idea of the keeping the Nation above everything else. It was this reason that the ABVP, for the past years of its formal existence, has consistently directed all its programmes, movements, demands and every sort of constructive activity towards the goal of National Reconstruction. There can be several ways of working with many and varied aims and objects in this country, but the ABVP, rising above parochial interests, had provided one, which was aptly captured in the title to the achievements to commemorate 50 years of its activities in 2009 as “ABVP 60 YEARS – A Movement for the Nation”

ABVP, in its National Conference in the year 1971, while explaining its role, mentioned that, “Students are not the citizens of tomorrow, but of today”. Students are not only partners in the educational world, but they are responsible citizens of the country, too. The ABVP, invoked all to treat student’s Power as Nation’s Power and not as a nuisance and proclaimed, “Student’s Power, Nation’s Power”. It was also mentioned that, instead of suppressing the voice of students’, they should be treated with respect. Being educated, independent and remaining devoid of all vested interests helps the students evolve into a dynamic mass, thereby transforming students’ power into a student movement. It is an endeavor of the ABVP to ensure that the student masses become such a national power which would play a leading role in public education, public service and peoples’ strength, along with taking the responsibility with due conviction to play a leading role in development while confronting corruption and anti-national attributes with fervent pride simulataneously.

The ABVP, has continuously struggled for comprehensive educational reforms. The ABVP feels that the new generation and the future successive generations of our country should have a clear knowledge of our glorious heritage and past, so that they develop a brotherhood for every Indian and feel the hardships their less fortunate brethren are undergoing. Through this, our future generations would dream of a great India, embracing the knowledge of the world in its strong roots, and making India a modern country, but with a unique identity of Her own. Education which teaches students not only to think about their careers, but also a conviction to do something about their fellow countrymen, is the education which is required today. Education for Life and Life for the country is a thought which should permeate amongst the students.
The greatest achievement of ABVP is that it has gifted the country a student organization which has been built through years of tireless efforts and devotion. A student organization which has relentlessly strived to enthuse generations of young people about their country and society, and which carries the strength to inspire and similarly offer opportunities for constructive activities to future generations of youth. The regular activities of ABVP include amongst others, waging a constant struggle against the increasing commercialization of education; and along with it dwelling on the challenges facing our country, like that of illegal Bangladeshi infiltration, terrorism, Maoist violence, separatist tendencies in Kashmir and other areas, to create an awakening of the entire society and channelize students’ power to remonstrate on such issues.
ABVP, while encouraging the tendencies in colleges for exhibiting the varied hidden talents amongst students’, also organizes through its own units, sports meets, literary and cultural evenings or conferences – “ Talent Meet – Pratibha Sangam”, “Rangatoran”, Career Guidance and “Personality Development workshops”etc. For technical students, competitions and expos about technical applications which include, Dipex, “Srijan”, Srishti etc. For Medical, Ayurveda, Pharmacy and agriculture students several programmes are organized throughout the year, too.
Think India’ Conference and summits for students of Institute of National prominence, struggle for scholarships and hostel facilities of scheduled caste and scheduled tribe students; national tours as part of “ Students Experience in Interstate living” [SEIL] for students from the north-east, in order to further national integration through the forging of emotional bonds; “Yuva Vikas Kendra” under SEIL, in Guwahati, to provide new avenues for employment to students from the north-east; and likewise many other activities are coordinated by the ABVP.
Participating in relief activities in situations of earthquake, tsunami and other natural calamities; environmental programmes like planting of saplings and organizing other developmental activities; blood donation; conducting different surveys in backward areas; “Shramanubhav Shibir” – work experience camps and programmes to directly and actively involve students in social and charitable causes; practicing social equality and harmony in personal lives by overcoming social divisiveness and hatred to awaken the virtue of equal respect for all; along with many other activities undertaken with rigorous and honest efforts, are aimed towards making the Organization more socially inclusive.
Basic Tenets of ABVP
“ABVP wants to build an ideal student movement which will work in the wider context of National Reconstruction, in the field of education with a firm belief in constructive activity, in the existence of educational community and in the need to stay above partisan politics”.
Educational Community
Educational community was given the widest possible meaning to include not only the students but also the teachers, the administrators and educationalist even the term can be stretched to include non teaching staff.
Constructive Approach
ABVP is engaged in the task of National Reconstruction in the field education in a wider context of National Reconstruction. This demands a constructive approach for the growth of the nation in all spheres. ABVP emphasizes on an all inclusive and constructive approach.
Above Parties and Politics
We are ‘above partisan politics’ but we accept that social activity cannot be non political in a strict sense. ABVP believe that as citizens of the country students are bound to react to the socio political situation and his actions may have some necessary political implications. We have time and again stated that students have a socio political role. ABVP insist that as a student organization we are not a wing or part of any political party. We believe that politics, partisan politics, power politics government and political parties etc. are essential parts of the society but they ought not to be all pervading and all controlling. Political party cannot be the focal point of the social organization. It is only one of the organs. Therefore strong mass organizations who don’t serve power and power politics are necessary component of a successful society. Further, fundamentally social transformation is the job of the society it cannot be a wholesale contract given to any agency or government. Change should come from within the society, holding a mirror to the culmination of,organised individual participation. Hence ABVP prefer to stay above partisan politics in its commitment to National Reconstruction in the field of education. 


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